Is your team closing sales?

Do they need to improve their presentation or skills?
Or are they simply doing too much telling and not enough asking the right questions?
Some quick stats for you:
- The majority of sales people approach clients and prospects by telling them about their product.
- A smaller number approach them by asking questions about their needs and desires.
- Less still actually listen with intent, to their client’s answers.
The second group averages more than 50% higher results in their sales than the first group.
What do these study results prove?
- You don’t have to ask questions to sell, but
- You will sell a lot more, if you ask questions.
So how does your team fare?
Here are a few questions (pardon the pun) to help measure your team’s skills.
Score each question as you go:
- = never
- = occasionally
- = more times than not
- = most of the times but not all the time
- = consistently, every time
Q2. My team focuses on understanding the client’s/prospect’s business.
Q3. My team focuses on how to help grow a client’s business.
Q4. My team understands and regularly promotes the need for quality education.
Q5. My team are good, active listeners.
How did your team score?
Score 5-10
Your team reflects a high telling and a low listening style.
They put product first and client second. They will struggle to build rapport and generally struggle with closing sales. Their low listening skills may also be showing up in poor territory time management.
Score 11-15
Your team reflects the average selling behaviours of our industry and generally produce very inconsistent sales results.
This is quite often evident when you measure the ongoing number of new accounts being opened.
Score 16–20
Your team have heightened experience and occasionally produce good ‘sell-in’ results.
Sales people in this space quite often struggle with achieving ‘depth’ across the various product categories. By improving their questioning and listening style this group has the ability to deliver quick and measurable growth.
Score 21+
Congratulations your team is amongst the elite few who actually ask the right questions, let alone listen with intent to the answers. Well done.
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Your business faces unique challenges. In a private Sales Training Program or Workshop, we’ll tailor our proven GET to YES framework to solve them. Let us come to you. We’ll help you understand that asking and listening works better than talking, to grow your sales. Schedule a no-pressure phone call to learn more.