B2C Retail Persuasion Gets to Yes – Workshop
Learn the four steps of persuasion that gets to yes with retail and treatment customers – in a 2-4-hour workshop for your clients’ salon staff the Hair, Beauty & Body markets.
Learn the four steps of persuasion that gets to yes with retail and treatment customers – in a 2-4-hour workshop for your clients’ salon staff the Hair, Beauty & Body markets.
Learn in 3 simple steps, how to overcome any objections that are stopping your team from securing sales – during a live 60-minute industry-based video conference call training session for your team.
In the second article of a series on the Science of Female Shopping, Neil Osborne explains how women are as different psychologically as they are biologically, from men… which directly affects their how and why of shopping.
In the first article of a series on the Science of Female Shopping, Neil Osborne explains how women are the largest spending, yet still unrecognised drivers, of our consumer economy.
The exact point at which people started buying and using stuff that they fancied, but didn’t need to survive, is vague. However, as Neil Osborne highlights, the consumerist life we’re now living is only the latest chapter of quite a long story.