
E8: B2B Handling Sales Objections ‘The Rule of 3’ – Private

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Neil continues to unpack the most common question asked by B2B sales people in the Hair, Beauty & Body industries, being “How do I handle Sales Objections?” In this third episode on handling sales objections, he unpacks the third, ‘private’ layer of objections. This layer is where the highly skilled, work toward maximum persuasion in the sales conversation.

Neil recap’s on working with the Rule of 3 and how to move through the first objection layer and transition to the second ‘personal’ layer of objections. Once that second objection is unveiled, the conversation can then be turned from dealing with a sales objection, to dealing with a training opportunity. That’s when you’ll move from being a sales person, to a trusted advisor.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Revisit the Rule of 3 and how to apply it to the sales objection “We have heaps of retail and we don’t need anymore”
  • How to move through the ‘public’ and ‘personal’ layers of sales objections
  • How to explore what’s going on in the buyer’s mind, behind those sales objections
  • The process, path and the questions to ask
  • The power of discovering the ‘private’ objection
  • By building trust, you’ll move from a sales person to a trusted advisor
  • How and when to unpack your solution



E8: B2B Handling Sales Objections ‘The Rule of 3’ – Private

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Selling in the Hair, Beauty & Body Industries

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