
3 killer trade show tips to help you make some money [series]

There’s many ways to make your stand at a trade show memorable (for your customers) and effective (for your sales).

After having successfully worked 20+ industry trade shows, this series of three quick but killer tips is designed to help you find your trade show mojo – be it for branding or sales:

Tip #3: What’s your follow-up plan?

The most frequent and costly mistake at trade shows is the poor collection of information.

There’s nothing worse than trying to follow-up a lead that’s shown a high level of interest, only to find out you can’t read the scribbled email address – Aaaggh!

Before the trade show, prepare a contact form for your team to fill out including adequate space to collect:

  1. Owners name
  2. Salon name
  3. Suburb
  4. Salon phone and mobile
  5. Salon email and website
  6. What days they have off can also be a huge help with productive follow-up

Today there are many tools available to collect information electronically on smart phones and tablets. Or if you simply want to collect business cards, have a vase or something similar to collect them in and maybe offer a (brand related) prize that’s drawn at the end of the show.

Regardless of how you choose to collect the information, ensure your team are aware of the follow-up process. There’s nothing worse than over-promising to a potential client and then under-delivering.

Make sure that’s not you!

Looking forward to seeing you at Salon Melbourne and chatting about your huge list of leads to follow-up.


Please contact me if you think I could help with your Salon Melbourne plans.

.Photo credit: Salon Melbourne

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